Friday, February 19, 2010

My Laptop Got Sick

So I was planning on getting on this week and doing 1 post with everything Matt and I have done for the past couple months, just to catch up. So in preparation for this on Tuesday I put all the pictures on our camera onto my computer then I deleted them all off my camera so I would have room for new ones. Then on wednesday night (before I started writing the post) my computer froze so I turned it off and when I went to turn it back on all I was getting was a blinking folder with a question mark on it. Apparently, this happens on macs sometimes and it can mean many different things... unfortunately for me it meant the worst. My hard drive on my computer had died. So despite our best efforts to salvage the data, I lost everything. All my pictures (including the ones I had just put on the day before and deleted of the camera), music, everything assignment I have ever done in college had all disappeared. I guess this teaches me to back up my computer often. So I took my computer in to get it fixed and they put a new hard drive in it so it is all better... just empty. So this means I don't really have any fun pictures to post right now. However, Matt and I are going to do some fun stuff this weekend and we will take pictures so I will be posting some time next week again! Sorry, I don't have anything fun to post just yet!



  1. So sorry you lost everything. That just makes me sick for you. I still will never forget how we lost the very first pictures of Nicholas, the ones right after he was born, because our laptop and a malfunction with the camera. Technology is never perfect. Can't wait to see what you do that is fun this weekend.

  2. That will teach you to buy a Mac. :)

  3. That happened to me once. I lost all our pictures, music, everything. I feel your pain. I'm excited for you that you get to move back to Glen Carbon. I want to move back down that way so bad. :)
